Author: Redactie
Photo of September- 2024
Little dog on a Roman bridge in North Spain
Kodak UltraMax 400, what does it look like?
Kodak UltraMax 400 has a very specific color tone, which is very different from Kodak Porta. Especially identifiable in the reds and blues.
Processing Black & White Film
These simple step by step instructions will teach you all you need to know to start processing your own black & white films at home.
Olympus AF-10: A 35 mm little point-and-shoot film camera
Ever wanted to get back into film photography? Missing the smell of a new roll of 35 mm film? You can’t go wrong buying a little Olympus point-and-shoot camera.
Photo of May (by Robin de Puy) – 2023
Work from the dutch photographer Robin de Puy. De Puy is known for her projects in America and engaging (celebrity) portraits.
Hasselblad X2D 100C – The New King
Hasselblad’s new medium format camera produces 100Mp images with its sensor (BSI-CMOS) size of 44 x 33 mm. This beast of a camera creates images with a max. resolution of 11656 x 8742.
BredaPhoto festival – 8 Sept to 23 Oct 2022
The 10th edition of BredaPhoto Festival, titled ‘Theatre of Dreams’, showcases more than 60 photographers and artists from 28 different countries.
Frank Zappa – Portraits
During his lifetime, Frank Zappa was called many things by his admirers and critics alike; a musical genius, a brilliant satirist, a fearless iconoclast, a tireless innovator, a workaholic, a control freak, a puerile humorist, a dictatorial band leader.
The Woodstock Vibe
On the weekend of mid-August 1969, more than 400,000 like-minded people gathered at a dairy farm in northern New York. It was Woodstock, a unique event that influenced the era…
Photo of June 2022
The Hague Central Station. Photograph made with a Iphone 13 Mini. No need for an extra point-and-shoot camera with the quality our smart phones can produce these days.